Tuesday Club
Join us every Tuesday at 4:30 for some games, some snacks and some fun! Located above the Coffee Shop at the Old Chapel in Lower Frog Street, the Tuesday Club is available to all primary school children and lasts for 1 hour. While the children are enjoying their time upstairs, you are welcome to enjoy a tea or coffee downstairs too.

SUNDAYS – 6:30pm
Weekly teaching from the Bible.
~ Lighthouse ~
Singing, Stories & Craft
Children & Toddlers are welcome
to come to LIGHTHOUSE in:
The Old Chapel, Lower Frog Street, Tenby
from 11:00 every SUNDAY
Free and tea & coffee is provided.
All leaders are DBS checked.
Parents and carers are also welcome
to hear a message for adults too.

The Upper Room
Christian assembly
We are a non-denominational, independent gathering of evangelical Christian believers who have received grace from God and who aim to show grace to one another.
We are deeply indebted to God our Father, who, in His great mercy, has not given us what we deserved – judgment from Him for our sins and failures. Instead, He graciously sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to die in our place & for our sins, bearing the judgment of God for us upon the cross of Calvary; He graciously called us to Him through the words of the Bible and the power of the Holy Spirit; He graciously sent His Holy Spirit into our hearts to warn us of the judgment of God upon sin and sinners, to awaken us to our need of a Saviour and to enable us to repent and believe the good news of the Christian gospel; He graciously adopted us into His family and gave us new natures that long to please Him; and He gave us a confident hope of seeing Him one day in His glory.
Because we are indebted to God for all the grace He has shown us, we aim to be gracious and forgiving to one another.Grace Christian Assembly is the name which describes briefly who we are and what we believe. We are a non-denominational, independent gathering of evangelical Christian believers who have received grace from God and who aim to show grace to one another. We are deeply indebted to God our Father, who, in His great mercy, has not given us what we deserved – judgment from Him for our sins and failures. Instead, He graciously sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to die in our place & for our sins, bearing the judgment of God for us upon the cross of Calvary; He graciously called us to Him through the words of the Bible and the power of the Holy Spirit; He graciously sent His Holy Spirit into our hearts to warn us of the judgment of God upon sin and sinners, to awaken us to our need of a Saviour and to enable us to repent and believe the good news of the Christian gospel; He graciously adopted us into His family and gave us new natures that long to please Him; and He gave us a confident hope of seeing Him one day in His glory.
Christian Bookshop & Coffee Shop
CLOSED – Monday
11:00 – 3:00 – Tuesday – Saturday
CLOSED – Last Friday & Saturday of each month
11.00 / 6:30 – Sunday (THE UPPER ROOM open for services)
Enjoy our
Featured Videos
A selection of short and longer videos about the Christian message from the Bible.
FIND OUT MOREQuotable verses
The meaning behind the sayings
Characters around the crucifixion
Read about some of the characters mentioned in the Bible around the time
of the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus and the lessons we can learn from them.
…who betrayed Him
…who sacrificed Him
…who denied Him
Contact us
Please use the form below to obtain more information or ask a question.